Blue Moon's First Seasonal Spot
Blue Moon's First Seasonal Spot

Blue Moon is a mass-craft beer. It is made with care. And art. And our ads were always 'artfully crafted'. So when I was first tasked with creating their first seasonal TV spot, I knew we had to do something special.

We worked with Laika House (of Coraline Movie fame) to create a stop motion spot. Then, each frame was hand painted over to provide the look that is Blue Moon. It's a timeless spot. And love that decision to let the visuals tell the story, sometimes, no words is better.

Blue Moon Belgian White TV Spot
Blue Moon Belgian White TV Spot

In conjunction with the seasonal TV spot, we also worked with Laika to bring to life a spot that featured Blue Moon's premier offering, Belgian White. 

We wanted to highlight the luscious, hazy, orange liquid taste appeal in the signature Blue Moon glass. Yummy.